Mouse Spiders

There are 11 different species of Mouse Spiders in the world. These spiders, much like the Trapdoor Spider, are often found in burrows sometimes as much as 1' deep! All of the species of Mouse Spiders besides one are found in Australia.

The bite of the Mouse Spider can be potentially dangerous, but anti-venoms are readily available. These spiders will mostly feed on insects, but they are also known to dine on small animals as well on occasion. The Mouse Spider will often fall prey to centipedes, scorpions and even wasps.

Mouse Spiders are medium sized growing to about 3cm in length. They have a glossy looks with eyes spread out on the front of their head. Females of this species are always all black while their male counterparts can be other colors then black.  You can learn more about the Mouse Spider and just how dangerous they can be in the videos below...

Daddy Long Legs Spiders (Pholcus phalangioides)

Daddy Long Legs or Harvestmen are one of the most well known insects in the world. Contrary to popular believe, they are not true spiders at all. There are over 6,500 different species of Daddy Long Legs which are also called Pholcus phalangioides, Cellar Spiders and Skull Spiders! Pictured below is a common species known as Phalangium opilio. As you can see they get their name from their long legs in comparison to its body. There is an urban legend that claims that Daddy Long Legs are the most venomous creature in the world, but lack the fangs to bite a human. This is not all all true, in fact, this spider has no venom glands or fangs, instead they have chelicerae.

Daddy Long Legs spiders will often feed on small insects, fungus, dead organisms and fecal material. As you can imagine these spider fall prey to many different predators, but they have a few tricks up their sleeves. Daddy Long Legs will sometimes play dead and can also detach their legs which will continue to walk away and can confused would be predators. They also have special glands that act as a repellent against ants.

You can check out a Daddy Long Legs Spider in the video below...

Trapdoor Spiders

There are over 100 different species of Trapdoor Spiders. These are probably one of the most cunning spiders on the planet. Trapdoor Spiders literally build a trapdoor from various materials and cover it will plant and soil material to make it blend into its surroundings. This spider will have a length of silk attached to the trapdoor that is quickly opens to grab a passing insect. Trapdoor Spiders can sense the preys vibrations on the ground and sometimes even lay trip wire that lets them know when a meal is near. You can check out some Trapdoor Spiders in the videos below...

This one is a big Red Trapdoor Spider... Strikes with amazing speed!

If you have any more information about Trapdoor Spiders... Leave us a comment!

Western Black Widow (Latrodectus hesperus)

The Western Black Widow or Latrodectus hesperus is just one of the six different species of Black Widow Spiders. These spiders are often found in the western parts of the United States. The female Western Black Widow will have the classic all black body with the hourglass mark on their lower abdomen. The male of this species is about half the size of the of the female and is tan in color. These Black Widows will build strange looking webs compared to most spiders and their silk is much stronger than a lot of other spiders.
After mating some female Black Widows especially the Australia's Redback (Latrodectus hasseltii) will actually eat the male after mating! Lucky for the Western Black Widow this doesn't happen too offend in this species. You can check out the Western Black Widow in action in the video below... Just don't be an idiot and handle it like this guy...

Fishing Spider (Dolomedes)

Fishing Spiders are without a doubt one of the strangest spider on the planet. Also known as Dolomedes, Raft Spiders and Dock Spiders there are over a hundred different species in this group. All of these spiders but one is spend some of their lives in the water. Quite a few of these Fishing Spiders have a slightly visible stripe down the side of their bodies. You can check out the Fishing Spider in the video below...

As you can see these spiders are sit and wait predators, as soon as they feel the ripples on the water they are so light that they literally walk on water. Fishing Spiders often eat small insects, frogs and of course, fish.

Camel Spider

Contrary to popular belief the camel spider isn't a spider at all. The stories of these insects that they will latch on and inject you with a local anesthesia is a lie. Camel Spiders are thought to be able to run 10 mph and jump three feet into the air. They are nocturnal, so they are normally only seen at night or in the shade.

The Spider Index Begins

Just like the Fish Index and the Snake Index this site is a place where you can find information, pictures, videos and interesting facts about every spider on the planet. If you are thinking of buying a spider you can also learn what to feed spiders, how to care for them and the tricks to handling spiders safely. Maybe you suffer from arachnophobia? Well we can't promise we will cure that, but it doesn't hurt to understand your phobia.

If you can't find what you are looking for just send us an e-mail and we will address your spider question. Thanks for visiting the Spider Index...